

Home sweet home

Return home as soon as you are medically fit to leave hospital.

Recover and recouperate at home.  Reduce the risks of hospital infections and institutionalisation by staying too long in hospital.

Live-in care or daily visits? Susan does not provide long term care, but happy to assist to enble this facility if required. 

Fees are negotiable and depend on need and duration, plus travel expenses. See FAQ page for more information or contact her to discuss. 

Susan is a capable and indepentent nurse who enJOYs enabling others to achieve.

Susan offers a variety of care and support for you to return home after a hospital stay. Whether you are alone or have family at home. Whatever your needs; help you get washed and dressed, encourage your physiotherapy and strengthening exercises, cook healthy & nutritious meals and assist with feeding.

Giving your family time to rest and relax without the worry of your daily living so you can all enjoy quality time together.

Susan has experience caring for those with severe mobility diffiulties, complex medication, indwelling cateters, dressings, dementia, etc.

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Do not copy any content (including images) without our consent.
